Reptiles make wonderful pets and are fascinating to watch and interact with. However, when deciding on purchasing anynew pet, it is important to put some time into researching the needs of the animal and whether they will suit your family.
Reptiles have particular needs when it comes to their diet and housing. Depending on the type of reptile, their diet may consist of fresh fruit and vegetables, specialised reptile food, live insects and/or euthanised rodents. In addition, it is important to ensure your reptile’s vitamin intake is adequate.
Setting up reptile enclosures can be costly. Enclosures need to be secure and free from openings, which may allow the reptile to escape. They also need to be free of any sharp edges, which could result in injury. Lighting and heating are one of the most important additions, as well as furnishing the enclosure to replicate the natural habitat. Time will need to be spent providing enrichment for your reptile, whether this be in the form of providing insects to chase, flowers to smell (check which ones are safe for your reptile), or simply rearranging the layout of the enclosure.
Ensure you have contact details of a reputable vet on hand who is competent in working with reptiles, and don't forget - you need a licence to own them.